10:10 Lighter Later

The Lighter Later campaign is coordinated by 10:10, as part of our aim to help the world rise to the challenge of climate change. We inspire and enable individuals and organisations from across society to make ambitious carbon cuts, starting with a 10% reduction in a year. 10:10 started in the UK in September 2009, and now has over 100,000 participants in 186 countries.

So where does Lighter Later come in?

Voluntary carbon reductions will not solve climate change unless they are matched with ambitious government policy. Clock change is 10:10’s first major foray into policy campaigning and we think it’s the best proof yet of our founding principle – that cutting carbon and making life better can and should go hand-in-hand.

If thinking about how we use our daylight has fired your imagination and you would like more information on cutting your 10% then you can sign up to 10:10 in the box on the right or by visiting 1010uk.org.

Supporting Lighter Later



“More daylight later in the day during the darker parts of the year would mean more people were awake for more of it, and for less darkness, so it would make better use of scarce sun-access.” David Mitchell (Actor/Writer/Comedian)

The link to the article can be found here on the Guardian website.



"I strongly support the Lighter Later Campaign. Anything that leads to an increase in physical activity and a reduction in road danger is good for health. This campaign is a great example of the way in which aligning environmental and health outcomes increases the benefits for everyone." Dr Harry Rutter (Consultant in Public Health)