Lighter Later is a tiny, tightly-run campaign and we rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters. The next big parliamentary vote is just around the corner, and we need to ramp things up in a big way. Can you help by making a donation?
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Name: 10:10
Sort code: 40-02-03
Account number: 31769596
Please make cheques payable to 10:10 and send to PO Box 64749, London NW1W 8HE.
Latest comments
I emailed my MP, fingers crossed for the vote.
Rebecca Whitby
Congratulations on your work to date and every success for the next stage Yvonne
Y Buttolph
Good Luck!
Richard Fairfield
Best of luck with your campaign. It means a lot.
Ulla Parker
Good luck with next phase of your campaign for lighter evenings
Sorry can't afford more. Think you're doing brilliantly. An excellently organised campaign.
Chrissie Madden
G o for it!
Robert Gee
We must succeed this time - to do so will literally brighten up our lives!
Roger Carey
Probably a once in a generation chance to improve our health and save energy costs.
matthew de lange
I don't agree with the one standard time. I think double Summer time would be wonderful, giving long light evenings. Go for broke, I say.
Colin Smith
I strongly agree with R Darlington's proposal - "one standard time throughout the year based on the present summer time." This gives good daylight saving and Keeps It Simple. Why would we still need the twice-a-year clock change drama?
Robert Dear
I believe the most important thing is to have one standard time throughout the year based on the present summer time and not to have any of the cost or inconvenience of changing clocks to double summer time. We do not need light summer evenings to 11pm.
Richard Darlington
Fantastic effort - good luck with the next push! Would be great to make this happen, Chris
Christopher Peter Cayley
good luck with moving the Lighter Later Campaign forward Adria
Adria Merton
Let's show a little enlightenment and make light-later a reality
John Stone
Keep up the good work
rick green
Showing my support for this long overdue change to improve our society
Malcolm Davies
Looking forward to 20th Jan, regardless of the outcome! Can you remind us of the link to email our MP.
Martyn Pollard
I just can't wait - keep up the good work!
Sue Rossiter
All we now have to do is to convince the Scottish people to support the Bill .... or let it be known that the rest of the UK will move with or without their support. The tail has wagged the dog too many times on this issue!
Roy Gilbert
Keep going, you're doing a good job.
Kevin Thorpe
I'm really impressed with progress your making. This is the best kind of campaign. Radical but winnable.
Martin Stott
Good Luck - really admire your tenacity!
Monica Leeson-Earle
Let 2012, be the year that Lighter Later wins the daylight.
Anne Wilkinson
I really hope this gets sorted...! Keep up the good work!
Mrs. Susan Lane
Let's get out of the Dark Ages!
Dean Smith
It is the boost that our tourism industry requires.
william wesson
Let's keep up the momentum now!
Simon Clifton
Good work! Thanks to all your helpers
james Ingram-Cotton
This will make such a difference to all our evenings. So hope you win the day!
Jane Nelson
Pob Hwyl! Best of Luck!
Katell keineg
As the senior partner of a busyn GP surgery I am most keen to see lighter evenings to encourage more sport and less couch surfing.
jonathan heatley
Angela McCann
Good luck - don't go gently into that dark night,, rage, rage
Mr Enda Farrell
its just common sense to have lighter evenings. keep up the fight.
David Bryan Garrod
Well done ! Carry on ! Can you publish on your website the names of the MP's who voted for the Bill ?
Cecilia Lyon
Good luck for 2011 and keep up the good work!
Philip Corlett
An excellent result and i will continue in your campaign!
isabel tipple
Please continue the good work, it's very important for the well-being of the UK that this bill succeeds.
Marlon Shaw
robert mcclenning
Congratulations on your efforts to date. Keep it up and lets all look forward to achieving LighterLater
Richard Young
Please keep up the good work. We need this bill passed.
Patricia Breen
Well Done All - You really must get more publicity - how about lobbying Max Clifford!? I am sure saving energy thus giving more time for outdoor activity is the key here.
S Ryan
Congratulations and many thanks for all your hard work. Apart from the obvious benefit of enjoying summer evenings I feel this will save so much energy which is currently wasted on lighting.
Well done to all those working hard behind the scenes. The need to change is a 'no-brainer'
David Montgomery
Well done everyone. Keep up the good work. Colin
Colin` Smith
WELL DONE! This result demonstrated what a good job you will do; which I'm sure will give more people confidence to donate.
Dee Parkes
well done
MC Stevens
Well done to all the team on the Lighter Later campaign. There's light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not an oncoming train! Keep up the good work. Emlyn
Emlyn Williams
Well done everyone at 10:10 - I am proud to be part of this movement. Dr Dawn Hillier South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Carol D Hillier
Well done so far. Heres to longer lighter evenings. Brian Stewart
brian stewart
good luck
margot agnew
Well Done so far! Here's to lighter evenings. Hope you are successful. Debbie Burnham Bucks.
Deborah Beard
Go, go, go al the way to save the day
E A Wilson
Now that we've got so far (1st Reading!) let's finish the job. David Corry
David Corry
The 10:10 team has made an outstanding effort. Why do we have to pressurise our politicians over a no-brainer like this? Longer evenings = a better life. What exactly do they have to lose?
Derek Ritson
Wishing for Lighter success, 3rd December 2010
Michael Bierman
Hope this helps the cause, Good luck! Shaun
shaun garrison
This will be a dream come through if we can make it happen. Alison Hull
Alison Hull
Keep it up. Many thanks.
David Roberts
Truly an enlightened proposal
John Stone
Bring back the sun!! Good luck with the campaign!
Jenny Wilks
Good luck with campaign.
Martin Horne
Good work, guys. Keep it up.
Robert Smith
Hopefully, this will be the last of the daylight wasting years!
Lister Noble
go get 'em on 3rd Dec !! this makes so much sense. Good luck !!
Keep up the campaign, dreading these dark nights!
Lucy Addison
keep up the good work
Karen Cheetham
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to get this motion passed. Anne Salter
Anne Salter
Great work guys!! Rick
rick green
Not so much a donation, more an investment!
Peter Goldie
Keep up the good work, lighter later
Andy Lolham
If you have any questions about donating to 10:10 or would like to speak to us about larger donations, please email [email protected] or call 020 7388 6688